In little more than a decade, the Internet has evolved from a novelty (order a pizza online!) to a daily necessity for millions. UNH's Web site <> is no different: it's now an essential form of communication on campus. The UNH home page alone gets more than 175,000 hits per week; the online course management system Blackboard receives more than 1 million hits on Mondays, its busiest day; and combined, all sites hosted by the UNH Web server typically see nearly 5 million hits per week.
Yet the university's Web site had not undergone a comprehensive redesign since the late 1990s. This May, a new UNH home page and top-level design was unveiled, the result of months of intensive planning and development.
"We have completely overhauled the structure of the site and organized information into major audience and informational categories," says Michael Jones, director of UNH's Editorial and Creative Services, who headed the development team. Jennifer Murray '76, vice president for University Communications and Marketing, says the new design gives visitors "a sense of the breadth of research and scholarship, the quality of students and faculty, and UNH's impact on the broader community." ~