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Rekindling College Spirit?

The latest incarnation of campus spirit made its debut at President Joan Leitzel's State of the University speech in September, when six students, clad in gray jumpers and strange rubber masks, appeared in the MUB, handing out candy and skipping and twirling through the room. One member of the "UNH Sixx" even climbed onto the stage to wrap the startled president in an exuberant bear hug.

Since then, the Sixx, who don't speak when in costume and whose identities are kept secret, have attended sports events and romped through campus, hanging up signs and dispersing sweets, buttons and good cheer.

"We're trying to start a new tradition," says Dave Zamansky '93, the group's co-adviser, explaining that secret spirit squads exist on many other campuses. "Spirit is something of problem here. We're just here to spark some energy."

The UNH Sixx is made up of two sophomores, two juniors and two seniors, all of whom are well-known campus leaders, according to Zamansky. So well known, in fact, that some members cover their sneakers in duct tape so as not to be recognized immediately while in costume.

"Our motto is 'UNH Sixx: Spirit in Your Face,'" Zamansky says. Will a tradition take root? Time will tell.

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