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  by Byron Gin

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Campus Currents

State Boosts Support for USNH

State support for the University System of New Hampshire (USNH) set a new record this past year, representing a growing commitment by the state to public higher education. IKEEP-NH (Knowledge Economy Education Plan for New Hampshire), the single largest investment in USNH in the state's history.

KEEP-NH is a six-year plan to renovate and improve key academic buildings at UNH and at the state colleges. In Durham, Murkland Hall renovations, on hold for 10 years, will begin, along with the expansion and renovation of Kingsbury Hall. Volunteer advocates played a key role in shepherding KEEP-NH through the legislative process, calling House and Senate committee members before critical hearings and urging them to support the plan. The state also raised its biennial appropriation to USNH by 5 percent in order to hold the line on tuition and keep increases at the level of inflation. At UNH, tuition will rise $230 for in-state residents and $580 for out-of-state students.

In addition, the legislature committed $250,000 a year for the next two years for support of the Granite State Scholars Program. The goal of this new scholarship plan is to retain New Hampshire's most accomplished students.

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