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![]() Cover photo by Peter Randall '63 ![]() ![]() |
![]() See also: UNH's alumni e-mail newsletterSports on Display ![]() This photo of the 1949 varsity men's ice hockey team is one of many to be displayed in the UNH Sports Gallery in the Field House. (First row, from left: Comings, Ray, Sleeth, Saboski, Fournier. Second row: Coach Petroski, Moore, Lapage, Adams, Noel, Christie, Keith (captain). Third row: Austin, Begin, Prescott, MacDonald, Berry, Glynn.)
UNH men's and women's varsity team photos once hung on the walls of the old Field House, but when the building was expanded and renovated in the 1960s, they were removed and stored or -- worse -- thrown away. Nearly three years ago, a small group of UNH alumni embarked on an ambitious plan to create a new and inclusive display of UNH sports photos. Called the UNH Sports Gallery, the project's long-term goal is to exhibit varsity team photos from 1904 through 1995 in display cases on the walls of the Field House's main-level floor. "We see this as rekindling memories," says Jere Lundholm '53, who with his wife, Harriet Forkey '54, is spearheading the project. Charlie Eager '53 initiated the project when he noticed the old photos were missing. "When alumni come back, there's not always a lot of people here they know," says Eager. "The photographs gave them some connection to UNH and something they were able to show their children and grandchildren." When they first met, committee members, who include Bill Borden '53, Steve Mazur '56, and Ann and E. Chandler Sanborn '55, had little idea of the effort that would be involved. But they soon found out. Some Granite yearbooks neglected to include names of athletes, or photos were absent. Some were found in attics or cellars by classmates, and others were located by UNH Special Collections, UNH Archives or the Athletic Department, and reproduced by UNH Photo Services. Since the project is a volunteer effort, each class for the first phase (1929-62) was asked to contribute $1,800 to cover costs. Kane Design of Lee, N.H., is mounting the photos, and by the end of this year, Lundholm and Forkey expect the first phase will be finished. For their respective class years, Lundholm and Forkey identified the athletes. It took nine months. Not that they're complaining. "It was fun," says Forkey. "We talked to a lot of people." At first, when they would mention the UNH Sports Gallery, they encountered a credibility problem, says Forkey. "We were working on this, but nothing was up. The more we get up, the more credible we become. Alumni will walk through the Field House and say, 'Where's our class?'" Lundholm adds, "The benefit to alumni is the historical connection. If they don't see themselves, they'll see their friends. And it's also a way for the university to say we have cared about you." The next phase will be prior classes -- they think 1904 may be the earliest for which they can find photos -- and 1963 through 1995. (The Athletic Department has tentatively agreed to coordinate display cases for 1996 through 2000 and into the future.) Alumni interested in helping the committee identify athletes or find photos for the pre-1929 and post-1962 display cases are encouraged to call Lundholm or Forkey at (603) 868-2283 or e-mail alumni@unh.edu. ~ Connection to UNH No matter how far from Durham alumni end up, they can always stay in touch with UNH through the weekly e-mail newsletter, The UNH Connection. Beginning in May 1997, the free e-mail newsletter has kept its subscribers updated with short UNH news items, sports scores, e-mail letters from alumni and historical anecdotes. A popular item is "Trivia Question of the Week," which has tested the memories of alumni with puzzlers like, "What used to alert the campus to football victories?" and "Name three of the seven items that UNH students are forbidden to have in their dorm rooms." (Answers on Page 45.) Each news and sports item is linked to a Web site for more information. And the newsletter's tail end is a compendium of "Hot Spots," links to useful UNH Web pages. To sign up for The UNH Connection or to join one of the alumni e-mail discussion lists, visit http://alumni.sr.unh.edu/alumni/. The newsletter and e-mail discussion lists are two of the many online services offered free of charge to UNH alumni. Other services include the alumni E-mail Directory, Business Network and E-mail Forwarding. Access all the online services by visiting http://alumni.sr.unh.edu/alumni/. blog comments powered by Disqus 9 Edgewood Road Durham NH 03824 (603) 862-2040 alumni@unh.edu |