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  by Gary Samson

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Francis E. Robinson '31, '33G

Francis E. "Robbie" Robinson '31, '33G died Nov. 9, 2000. He was 90.

After earning B.A. and master's degrees in English from UNH, Robinson worked for several New Hampshire agricultural organizations. During World War II, he was appointed state director of the U.S. Office of War Information, and later worked for the War Food Administration.

From 1944 to 1952, Robinson served as UNH's assistant to the president and then as director of public information. In 1952, he joined the New England Council as a director and committee secretary. He then served--until his retirement in 1973--as the executive vice president of the N.H. Association of Savings Banks.

Robinson served on the USNH Board of Trustees from 1974 to 1978. He was also elected to a two-year state representative term in 1979. A life member of the UNH President's Council, Robinson was awarded the UNH Alumni Meritorious Service Award in 1980.

He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; sons James F. Robinson '62 and J. Davidson Robinson; daughters Helen Ogden and Virginia Robinson Guy '65; a sister, Mescal Robinson Winn '43; and seven grandchildren.

Horace Sawyer Martin Jr. '41, '53G

Horace Sawyer "Pepper" Martin Jr. '41, '53G died Nov. 7, 2000. He was 81.

Martin earned a B.A. in business administration and then served in the Army's Fourth Infantry Regiment during World War II. In 1951, he returned to UNH to teach and to coach the men's hockey team, and in 1953, he received a master's degree in education. Martin also coached the football and lacrosse teams. In 1962 he became an assistant principal at Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School in Georgetown, Mass., retiring in 1987. An active UNH alumnus, he was a 100 Club board member and was inducted into the 100 Club Hall of Fame in 1993. Martin served in the Army Reserves, and retired with the rank of colonel in 1984.

He is survived by a daughter, Suzanne Guptill; three stepchildren, Heidi Lyons, Deborah Pepernik and Mark Lyons; and two grandchildren.

Dr. Charles F. Walker '70G, '82G

Charles F. Walker '70G, '82G, who earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from UNH at the age of 63, died Feb. 18, 2000.

Walker attended night school while working at a Brooklyn shipyard. By 1967, he had become an assistant chief design engineer at the Portsmouth (N.H.) Naval Shipyard. Deciding to become a teacher, he earned a master's and a Ph.D. at UNH and then taught electrical engineering at the New Hampshire Vocational-Technical College and UNH. "Everyone can learn new things," he said at his commencement.

He is survived by two daughters, Patricia Walker Bechard '71 and Diane Walker Dooda '71, and several grandchildren.

Maureen E. Neistadt, UNH professor

Maureen Purcell Neistadt, associate professor of occupational therapy, died Sept. 22, 2000, of breast cancer. She was 49.

Neistadt earned a B.A. degree from SUNY at Binghamton in 1972, a master's degree from Columbia University in 1975, and a doctor of science from Boston University in 1991. Joining UNH in 1992, Neistadt was known for her innovative teaching, analytical research, enthusiasm and sense of humor. She was co-editor of a book, the ninth edition of Willard & Spackman's Occupational Therapy. A fellow of the National Occupational Therapy Association, Neistadt won the Outstanding Assistant Professor award in 1995 and the Outstanding Associate Professor award in 2000.

She is survived by her husband, Jerry Neistadt; parents Francis and Phyllis Purcell; a sister, Jane Purcell; a brother, Dennis Purcell; and nieces and nephews. A scholarship fund has been established in her memory with the UNH Foundation.

Mr. Thomas B. Gadd '22
Mrs. Grace Flanders Chaffee '23
Mr. Elmer J. Talbert '26
Mr. Waldo A. Young '26
Mr. Charles B. Adams '27
Mr. Charles H. Russell '27
Mr. Frank E. Beede '28
Mr. Charles S. Bradley '28
Mrs. Dorothy Story Harriman '28
Capt. Daniel J. Lucinski (Ret.) '29
Mr. John B. Nichols '29
Mr. Norman J. Pierce '29
Mr. Clarence J. Derby '30
Mrs. Harriett Magnusson Gove '30
Mrs. Elizabeth Atwood Laws '30
Mr. Merle R. Patenaude '30
Mr. Bruce V. Wurdeman '30
Mr. Carleton F. Smith '31
Mrs. Florence Baker Hanson '32
Mr. Robert H. Morrison '32
Mr. Watson R. Whitehouse '32
Mr. Arthur H. Witkus '32
Mr. Arnold H. Beede '33
Mr. Elroy G. Clark '33
Mr. Stanton E. Cull '33
Mr. Harold H. Elliott '33
Mr. Donald S. Kimball '33
Mrs. Dorothy Mellett Shronk '33
Mr. Jason P. Sikoski '33
Mrs. Eleanor McGreal Boulanger '34
Mr. Delfo J. Caminati '34
Col. Richard C. Low (Ret.) '34
Mr. Walter F. Noyes Jr. '34
Mr. Willard B. Phelps '34
Mr. James H. Pollard Jr. '34
Mr. James P. Romeo '34
Lt. Col. James B. Walker (Ret.) '34
Mr. Orion F. Bickford '35
Mr. Leslie W. Seaver '35
Mrs. Martha Osgood Cannell '36
Mr. Richard T. Mannion '36
Mr. Joseph W. Symonovit '36
Mrs. Elizabeth Frederick Day '37, '42G
Mr. Logan R. Dickie Jr. '37
Mrs. Emily Heard Dustin '37
Mr. George D. Heins '37
Ms. Eleanor J. Mastin '37
Mrs. Dorothy Reid Stevens '37
Mr. Robert E. Sullivan '37
Mrs. Margaret Paige Wood '37
Mr. Warren G. Breck '38
Mrs. Eleanor Rhodes Peterson '38
Mr. Alfred M. Senter '38
Mr. George E. Allen '39
Mr. George W. Dumais '39
Mr. Richard A. Foote '39
Mr. Robert V. Hanson '39
Mr. Carroll E. Haseltine Jr. '39
Mr. Philip R. Haskell '39
Mrs. Edith Major Isherwood '39
Mr. Gordon E. Martin '39
Mr. Walter P. Raleigh '39
Mr. Peter M. Sampatacos '39
Mr. Robert W. Breck '40
Col. Calvin A. Heath (Ret.) '40
Mr. John S. Huddleston '40
Mr. Donald A. Lawson '40
Dr. Eber A. Wein '40
Mr. Omer W. Bureau '41
Dr. Arthur T. Fernald '41
Mr. Max F. Gowen '41
Mr. Kenneth E. Grant '41, '71H
Mr. John A. Moffett '41
Mr. Myron J. Rand '41, '43G
Mr. John B. Skerry '41, '53
Mrs. Barbara Peterson Gately '42
Dr. Thomas R. Plowright '42
Lt. Col. Frederick H. Sanborn (Ret.) '42
Mr. Richard C. Sughrue '42
Mr. John F. Barry '43
Mr. James F. Brady Jr. '43
Mr. Carl S. Carlson '43
Mr. Gale W. Carter '43G
Col. James E. Simon (Ret.) '43
Mrs. Shirley Lyford Bosse '44
Dr. Charles A. Friend '44
Mrs. Rita O'Connor Olsen '44
Lt. Cmdr. Lewis L. Jennison (Ret.) '45, '44H
Mrs. Barbara Clapp McManus '45
Ms. Alicia Lavaude Batchelder '46
Mr. Pierre R. Loiseaux '46
Mr. Robert C. Scott '46
Dr. Harelaos C. Xanthopoulos '46
Mrs. Betty-Lou Scott Archambault '47
Dr. Robert R. Brown '47
Mr. Luther A. Clement '47
Lt. Col. Walter A. Davis (Ret.) '47
Mrs. Gloria Davidson Frank '47
Mrs. Barbara Houseman Grider '47
Mr. Gerald P. Margil '47
Mr. Joseph G. Thomas Sr. '47, '53G
Ms. Charna L. Andelman '48
Mr. Harold B. Barg '48
Mrs. Ruth Winer Misch '48
Mr. Thomas Moore Jr. '48
Mrs. Helen Scott Rees '48
Mr. John J. Gallagher Jr. '49
Mr. David S. Gray Sr. '49
Mr. George W. Hatch Jr. '49
Mr. Robert G. Johnson '49
Mr. Daniel F. MacKinnon '49
Mr. John R. Mazeau '49
Mrs. Dorothy Morel Shorey '49G
Mr. Joseph H. Burleigh '50
Mr. Edwin H. Churchill '50
Mr. Herbert M. Davis '50
Mr. John G. Downs '50
Mr. Walter J. Dwyer '50
Mr. Harry B. Knox '50
Mr. Kenneth R. Mattson '50
Mr. David B. Parker '50
Mr. Robert A. Parker '50
Mr. Cyril C. Pike '50
Mr. Stanton H. Young '50
Mr. Norman O. Caron '51
Mr. John S. Guay '51
Mrs. Evelyn Marsh Kuusisto '51
Mr. John F. Mathews Jr. '51
Mr. Owen McKinnon '51
Mr. Charles A. Powers '51
Mr. Walter H. Rolfe '51
Mrs. Jean Smith Rowley '51
Mr. Theodore E. Wirtanen '51
Mr. Charles I. White '52
Mr. Lawrence L. Stofan '53G
Mr. Richard L. Bruce '54
Mrs. Glenice Dearborn Fluery '54
Mr. Robert L. Lones '54
Mr. Richard G. Strout '54G, '61G
Mr. James J. Custeau '55
Mr. Calvin B. Chandler '56
Mr. William L. Simpson '56
Dr. Clayton C. Stenberg '56
Mrs. Betty J. Robinson '57
Mr. Robert E. Thibault '57
Mr. Lawrence A. White Jr. '57, '64G
Mr. Edward A. Bamber '58
Ms. Virginia Markarian Turnbull '58
Mrs. Ilona Siren Caparros '59
Mr. Arthur O. Johnson '59
Mr. Russell Wilkins '59
Ms. Phyllis Flynn '60
Mrs. Lucy Morang Pinkerton '60G
Mr. Donald B. Read '60
Mrs. Kay Croteau Davis '61
Mrs. Ruth E. Parker '61G
Mr. Stanley J. Riel '61
Mr. William C. Stamnas '61G
Mr. James R. Stewart '61
Lt. Col. Wilbur M. Hoadley (Ret.) '62
Mrs. Marion Seavey Godzyk '63
Mrs. Linda Dearborn Holland '64
Mr. Charles J. Wabeck '64G
Dr. John A. Andrew III '65, '67G
Mr. Ellis E. Hirshman '65G
Mr. James M. O'Neil '65
Mr. Richard G. Talboys '65G
Mr. William S. Bagley '66
Col. Ronald A. Bird (Ret.) '66
Mr. James S. Doe '66G
Mrs. Kathleen Burr Johnsen '66
Dr. Mary Perry '66, '69G
Mr. Lawrence E. Peterson '66
Mrs. Yvonne Caron Greenleaf '69G
Ms. Mary A. Jasinski '69
Mrs. Diana Laroche Clark '71
Dr. Harry W. Yeo '71G
Mr. Richard G. Gregoire '72
Ms. Natalie E. Larson '72, '74G
Mr. Dennis E. Reed '73
Mrs. Mary Bertsch Boucher '75
Mrs. Geraldine Widick Demmerle '75
Mr. Douglas M. Rowell '76
Mrs. Brenda Hamel Downing '77
Mr. Michael R. McAulay '77
Mr. Jeffrey A. O'Keefe '77
Mr. Steven E. McCann '78
Mr. Frank P. Lunardo Jr. '80
Ms. Betty-Jo Gardner '81
Mrs. Doris Leech Kohn '81
Mrs. Leslie Ford Aselton '86
Mr. Raymond M. Krainski '86
Mr. David E. Mohr '86
Ms. Berit A. Johnson '88
Mrs. Collette Lyon Sanborn '89
Ms. Mary L. Ledden '91
Ms. Franky L. Marcus '93
Ms. Johanna L. Falk '98
Ms. Katie E. Baldwin '02

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