Class Notes Opener Photo

When President George W. Bush paid a surprise visit to U.S. Army soldiers in Baghdad, Iraq, last Thanksgiving, this photo appeared on the front of many U.S. newspapers, propelling 1st Lt. Jason Legro '01, secon from right, into his first 15 minutes of fame. Legro's impressions of the president and Iraq are posted on the "Letters from the Middle East" site at the UNH Alumni web site at Other alumni soldiers writing reports include a doctor, Lt. Col. Fred H. Brennan Jr. '87, who works in Saddam Hussein's former private hospital, and a nurse, 1st Lt. Caryn Augusta '01. One alumnus, Capt. Lucas R. Connolly '97, writes, "I've experienced sandstorms, blazing hot days, mortar attacks, rocket attacks and the ever-present threat of ambush.

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