Evriviades '76
Euripides L. Evriviades '76 has been appointed by the Republic of Cyprus to the post of Ambassador to the United States. A native of Cyprus, Evriviades has also served as an ambassador to the Netherlands and Israel.

Griffiths '87
Carrie Griffiths '87 has joined Wheelabrator Technologies as director of communications. Griffiths has almost 20 years of communications experience in the manufacturing and services industries, and was most recently employed at Tyco International.

Granieri '65
Mike Granieri '65, formerly of Agilent Technologies, was named vice president of business development for the aerospace and defense market at Phase Matrix.

Chernenko '71
Susan Violette Chernenko '71, director of the West Virginia Aeronautics Commission, was recently elected chairman of the National Association of State Aviation Officials. Chernenko is the first woman to be elected to the position.

Fox '01G
John F. Fox Jr. '01G has been appointed FBI historian. Fox joined the bureau in 1999 and had been working in its Office of Public Affairs.

Johnson '97G
Kevin Johnson '97G, principal of Kearsarge Regional Elementary School in New London, N.H., has been named a National Distinguished Principal by the National Association of Elementary School Principals.

Eason '92
Michael B. Eason '92 has been promoted to director of decision support for the Enterprise Services Group.

Lindberg '77
Trish Northridge Lindberg '77 won the 2003 Youth Theatre Director of the Year award from the American Association of Theatre and Education. She also won the 2003 Distinguished Teaching Award at Plymouth State University.

Ureneck '72
Lou Ureneck '72 has joined Boston University's College of Communication as a visiting professor of journalism and director of the Business and Economics Journalism Program. Formerly, he was managing editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Tullgren '83
Philip J. Tullgren '83 is regional director of CSGServices' Albany, N.Y., office. Previously, he had been with Payment Plans Inc.
