UNH Archives In this 1958 photo, Winter Carnival queen Susan Lyman Bridge '61, center, and her aides Diane Howe Lenters '59, left, and Joan Prisby Ketchen '61, right, lace up for ice skating, probably at Batchelder outdoor rink. UNH Magazine got help identifying the skaters from the following '61 alums: Brenda Ferguson Kanarian, Lois Stickney Magenau, Arolyn Benson Berube, David LaFayette, Pat Morgenstern D'Allesandro, Carol Pandini Trombly, Kay Perinchief Gartner, Harvey Galloway and Pat Gagne Coolidge, among others. The Class of '61 will celebrate its 50th Reunion in June. E-mail classof.1961@unh.edu to be included in the fun.
(See also a larger version of the photo)