UNH Archives "WHO ELSE BUT NELSE?": Campaigning for the Republican nomination in 1964, presidential hopeful Nelson Rockefeller greets students at UNH. Tom Foster '64 wrote in to let us knnow that the woman on the left with short blonde hair is Gudrun Willeke. Bev Nemetz '67 wrote in to let us know that the two girls to the right of Rockefeller lived in Jessie Doe with her. The girl to his immediate right is Marty Huse, and the one on the far right with the Rocky sash is Beverly McLean, who she is still in touch with today. If you recognize any of the other students, email alumni.editor@unh.edu and let us know and we'll print the names in the spring issue. For more photos of primary visits by famous candidates, plus reminiscences by alumni, visit www.unh.edu/ucm/slideshows/politics/.
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