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Spring 2012, by Rebecca Rule '76, '79G
A Yankee from Frost Heaves, N.H.: Fred Marple says "You can't get there from here," but his alter ego, Ken Sheldon '76, disagrees.
Winter 2012, by Rebecca Rule '76, '79G
The Comeback Kid: Tim Churchard '65, '84G dropped out and flunked out and still managed to earn four degrees. But boys today may not get that lucky, he says.
Fall 2011, by Rebecca Rule '76, '79G
You Get Knocked Down: For Chris Wragge '92, playing UNH football was good preparation for co-hosting CBS' "Early Show"
Spring 2011, by Rebecca Rule '76, '79G
All Together Now: Assistant professor Reginald Wilburn—who sings the national anthem at graduation—challenges students to develop their own voices.
Winter 2011, by Kristin Waterfield Duisberg
High Tech at Hyperspeed: Yahoo chief marketing officer Elisa Lewandowski Steele '88
Fall 2010, by Rebecca Rule '76, '79G
A Different Dream: Emmy-nominee Mike O'Malley '88
Spring 2010, by Rebecca Rule '76, '79G
Medical Sleuth: New York Times health writer Denise Grady '78G
Winter 2010, by Rebecca Rule '76, '79G
Leave Only Footprints: UNH paleoclimatologist Cameron Wake '93G
Fall 2009, by Rebecca Rule '76, '79G
Prepare for the Zombie Invasion: Joshua Corman '98, expert about online security risks
Spring 2009, by Rebecca Rule '76, '79G
Live and Let Live: Jeannie Sowers, assistant professor of political science
Winter 2009, by Rebecca Rule '76, '79G
A Definition of Courage: Brig. Gen. John Dailey '62
Fall 2008, by Rebecca Rule '76, '79G
Two Can Play That Game: Arnold '84 and André Garron '86
Spring 2008, by Rebecca Rule '76, '79G
Bitten Zoology Professor John Burger
Winter 2008, by Rebecca Rule '76, '79G
O Pioneer! Jill Van Lokeren-Kuenstler '90

Fall 2007, by Rebecca Rule '76, '79G

Mark My Words: Sheila McNamee and Jack Lannamann

Spring 2007, by Rebecca Rule '76, '79G

Primary Care Provider: Bill Gardner '70

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