Erik Froburg '88, '02G
Major: the arts, environmental education
Job title: Educational Coordinator, Leitzel Center, UNH
Hometown: Lee, N.H.
I began working with the Leitzel Center in 2007, through the Transforming Earth System Science Education (TESSE) program, and have since become involved in several other projects associated with the center. I serve as the graduate fellow advisor for TESSE and is active in working with K-12 teachers, through both TESSE, as well as other professional development activities that the Leitzel Center conducts. My particular focus has been in promoting authentic research by students, and in providing schools with more direct access to scientists and contemporary research in the geo-sciences. Prior to my positions at UNH, I was a Special Education teacher of students with emotional and behavioral disabilities at Noble Middle School in Berwick, Maine. I am a graduate of the UNH Masters in Environmental Education program and am a past board member of the New Hampshire Environmental Educators.