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Guest Essay

For first-person essays after Winter 2007, please visit the Features Archive.

Winter 2007: Calloused and Content: Why sleep in a barn? By Mark Joseph '06

Fall 2006: The Long Road Home by Heather King '77

Spring 2006: "Going Places: Love you lots. Miss you terribly. Now, shoo." by By Jody Record '95

Winter 2006: "Civil Encounter: Reliving history makes it tangible" by Nicholas Gosling '06

Fall 2005: "Launching a Dream: Sometimes big decisions require a leap of faith" by Kate Morse Yeomans '95

Spring 2005: "At Your Service: In Mexico, not every grocery store is Wal-Mart—yet" by Jonathan Clark '90, '01G

Winter 2005: "Confessions of a Verbivore: Why do we park in a driveway?" by Richard Lederer '80G

Spring 2004: "Count Me In: Yea or nay? A town's character hung in the balance" by Lois Shea '95G

Winter 2004: "Amazing Grace: Life takes on new meaning when it's lived one day at a time" by Kathleen Toomey Jabs '01G

Fall 2003: "Family Time: It may look like a game, but it's something more important" by Laura Brimblecom Voelker '02

Spring 2003: "Life Lessons: So, seniors, what did you really learn at UNH?" by Will Chandler '03, Darek Fanton '03, Jaime Hennessy '03 and Shannan Goff '03

Winter 2003: "Volodya, the Grim Reaper and I" by Cathy Frierson

Fall 2002: "The Road to Tajikistan" by Colin Credle '01G

Spring 2002: "Meditation on a 'Gut' Course by Carol Conare '88

Winter 2002: "From This Place" by Jim Collins

Fall 2001: "Journey into Fall" by Joanne Catz Hartman '82

Spring 2001: "The Farthest Shore" by Jennifer A. Villeneuve '01

Winter 2001: "Another Place, Another Time," by Prof. Cathy Frierson

Fall 2000: "A Landscape of Words," by Donald M. Murray '48

Spring 2000: Charlie Holt: "Remembering a Legend," by Richard C. Umile '72

Winter 2000: "Uncharted Territory" by Charlotte Bacon

Fall 1999: "Homeward Bound" by Donald M. Murray '48

Spring 1999: "Roger, I Have the Controls" by Daniel Ford '54

Winter 1999: "Heard in New Hampshire" by Dana Jennings '80

Coming soon: Fall 1998

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