Dick "Mike" Mikszenas REUNITING: A drizzle didn't dampen the spirits of members of the Class of 1960 at the Parade of Classes, top, on Reunion Weekend in June. At left, Jim Segalini carries the class sign. In front, from left, are '60 classmates Mike Frigard, Bruce and Judy Tills Gregory, Bob Lamothe and Joe Vaillancourt. Behind, from left, are Milt and Polly Hackett Robinson, Estelle Isherwood Munro, guest Carl Allen and Marion Boothby Eckhard. At the 50th Reunion class banquet in Huddleston Hall, above, are Stella Belanger Landry, standing, with Bea Oprie Robinson, left, and Bianca "Bia" Reznak Perra.