Letters to the Editor

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The Plane Has Landed

Calvin Coolidge

I am the student pictured with my foot on the wheel ["Landing Party" photo, Class Notes, Spring 2012]. As I began my senior year at UNH, I had in hand my private pilot's license through Army ROTC. At the time, UNH had a flying club and owned a 1947 Aeronca Champ (two-passenger, one behind the other)—the one pictured. It was based at the Hampton, N.H., grass strip. This plane had to be started by hand-turning the propeller. The club had few members and was failing, and I thought it needed a promotion. I landed the plane in a field off Route 155A, taxied it down to Main Street and then over the bridge to the lawn in front of Morrill Hall. The local police were helpful in stopping traffic. Between classes, I would start up the engine—the roar was attention-getting—and use a loudspeaker. It worked, and we increased our membership. The next day we reversed the process to get the plane back to the field. The only problem was the field was short and there were trees at the end. This was a fabric-covered plane with a 65-horsepower engine. We removed extra weight, and with two assistants on each strut and a mighty push, I was off.

My wife, Chris, and I own a Cessna 182, which we use to commute between New Hampshire and Florida. Each of our sons has a pilot's license, and my older son also has his helicopter license. The UNH flying club started me on my path of private flying that continues today. That picture brought back wonderful memories.

One of Many Gems

I worked with professor Brent Loy ["The Matchmaker," Spring 2012] in the 1980s, when plant biology was called plant science and was housed in Nesmith. It was the beginning of a very long and successful career in horticulture. He would always answer questions, in his office or in the field, no matter how busy he was. He is one of the many gems the plant biology and Woodman Farm have to offer its students, agriculture and horticulture.

Still Cooking

As a graduate of the home economics program of the '70s, I think this is a great article ["Now We're Cooking," Spring 2012]. Learning how to cook is one of the goals our middle and high school programs have been striving to accomplish. Unfortunately, many are being eliminated due to budget cuts. It is not only lower-income children who benefit from these programs—children whose parents are too busy benefit as well.

It is wonderful to see this program at UNH. Many years ago, I was one of the teachers in the food management two-year program when it was starting out. Keep up the good work.

Sublime Online

In an era of information, access to online library databases ["Online Databases From Home," Spring 2012] represents perhaps the single biggest benefit to date of being an alumna of UNH. I have shied away from potential career opportunities because they did not offer access to the resources of an academic library as a basic "perq" of employment. Now, I don't have to! An excellent decision, and many thanks to Tim Collins '85.

As an alumna of both UNH and Rutgers, and a graduate student (still) at Rutgers, this is an incredibly valuable resource. What a generous gift. From both perspectives, my personal affiliation with UNH and my professional one in advancement, kudos to you on this great accomplishment!

Wonderful news concerning Tim Collins' extraordinary gift to UNH. UNH is not the sleepy little college I knew years ago.

Oh, Say, Can You Sing?

I went to see Rick '63 and Ron Shaw '63 ["Still Teaching the World to Sing," Spring 2012] innumerable times at the Market Square Pub. I always went early to get a front row seat. To this day, I can still sing "The Black Velvet Band" and about a dozen more songs. I remember those halcyon days at UNH and Portsmouth—with a trip later to Gilley's for food! My friend Lois and I also showed them a song or two—"Un Canadien Errant" and one or two others. It was a time in our shared history that I will never forget.

Looking Back at SYMS

I attended SYMS ["Two Weeks, All Music," Spring 2012] in my last two years of high school, and it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. It was reaffirming to go to a place where the kids weren't being forced to sing in choir or play in the band because of a scheduling conflict. At SYMS, everyone wanted to be there and everyone was so talented. That creative camaraderie helped to ease the impending fear of college. I had such a great time at SYMS that I ended up attending UNH. As the article says, I was one of the "others" who didn't end up in the music department but at WSBE to explore my future in marketing. However, my experiences with SYMS, chorus, musical theater classes and the Paul Creative Arts Center really resonated, and by fall of my sophomore year I had declared my intentions to minor in theater. I owe so much to SYMS.


Due to an editing error, the military service of Fred Hall '41, '74H was misrepresented in an article in the Spring '12 issue of UNH Magazine. Hall was recalled to active duty during the Korean War but did not serve in Korea. UNH Magazine regrets the error. Hall is a much-decorated veteran of World War II, serving in the 16th Infantry from 1941 to 1945 and participating in eight campaigns and D-Day landings in North Africa, Sicily and Normandy. After the war, he joined the Army Reserve, retiring in 1966 with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Hall received the Army's Outstanding Civilian Service Award, and was inducted as a distinguished member of the 16th Infantry Regiment in 1994.

Rockefeller and students
REALLY? Some readers wondered if the Spring 2012 cover had been digitally altered, but no sleight of hand was needed--cow curiosity did the trick, as professor Joanne Curran-Celentano, left, with Jillian Smith '12, and Amy Beliveau '10, '12G, right, can attest. For outtakes, see unhmagazine.unh.edu/sp12/slideshow/.

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