Campus Currents
Citing the consequences of the largest percentage cut to higher education in the nation, this fall the USNH Board of Trustees asked the state's Legislature to restore the funding that was cut the previous year. "While we are actively controlling costs, the state's reduction in support increases the tuition rate New Hampshire families struggle to pay," board chair Richard Galway '66 and vice chair Pamela Diamantis wrote in a letter to the Union Leader newspaper. After last year's 49 percent cut, the state now provides 6 percent of UNH's budget. In a recent poll, 71 percent of state residents surveyed said they would favor restoring state funding if in-state tuition rates were frozen at current levels, a proposal the board of trustees has made to the Legislature. A website called "Higher Education Works for New Hampshire" (www.unh.edu/works) provides data on UNH's impact on the state's economy and a sign-up form for volunteers. blog comments powered by Disqus |