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In Memoriam

Mrs. Ruth Long Richardson '26
Mr. John W. Beede '30
Dr. Edward T. Moses '31
Mr. Cecil A. Wentworth '31
Mr. Otis F. Cushman '32, '34G
Mrs. Dorothy Pratt Jaquith '32
Mrs. Gertrude Saltmarsh Lafarge '32
Mrs. Natalie Ames Merrill '32
Mrs. Carolyn Hatch Pomerleau '32
Mr. Alfred R. Pilotte '33
Mr. G. Gordon Bruce '34
Mr. Gordon K. Hill '34
Mr. Joseph F. Lampron '34
Mr. Roy C. Loeschner '34
Mrs. Audrey Griffin Pickwick '34G
Mr. Alvah W. Swain '34
Mrs. Gladys Clement Grad '35
Mr. Richmond H. Hopkins '35
Mr. David C. Barton '36
Mr. Dayton M. Henson '36
Mr. Parker E. Holt '36
Capt. Joseph L. Miller Jr., Ret. '36
Mr. Paul M. Smiley '36
Mr. Wayne O. Stevens '36
Mr. F. Maurice Varney Jr. '37
Mr. B. David Benson Jr. '38
Mr. James W. Clapp '38G
Mrs. Dorothy Jordan King '38, '67G
Mr. Robert L. Blickle '39G
Mrs. Lillian Lippman Diamond '39
Mr. Kenneth P. Huff '39
Mr. Edward B. Miles '39
Mr. George B. Uicker '39
Mrs. J. Gertrude Pierce Wisenburg '39
Ms. Kathleen R. Beckingham '40G
Mr. Ralph W. Beckley '40, '50G
Mrs. Eloise Noyes Chaloner '40
Ms. Mary W. Gallyon '40
Mrs. Evelyn Olsen Gilpatrick '40
Mrs. Mary Moriarty Knott '40
Mrs. Helen Snook Scruton '40
Mr. Philip J. P. Smith '40
Col. Walter J. Angers, Ret. '41
Mr. Clifford L. Annis '41
Mr. Lewis J. Bressett '41
Mr. Everett C. Carlsen '41
Mr. Warren H. Caswell '41
Mrs. Shirley Evans Charait '41
Ms. Helen C. Colby '41
Mrs. Eleanore Adrian Kirk '41
Mr. Edwin W. Moulton '41
Ms. Muriel Day Abernathy '42
Mrs. Lucille Jenness Harkinson '42
Mr. James W. Ramsay '42
Mr. Raymond W. Barratt '43G
Mr. Robert H. Dyson '43
Mrs. Cynthia Brown Jamgochian '43
Ms. Alice D. Monroe '43
Mr. Raymond A. Paquin '43
Mr. John A. Rowe '43
Mr. Gordon D. Swaffield '43
Mrs. Ann Taylor Wenk '43
Mrs. Jane Bourn Wright '43
Mrs. Alida Baker Carpenter '44
The Reverend Irving E. Mitchell '44G
Mr. Maurice F. Stetson '44
Mr. John F. Dimodica '45
Mrs. E. Beverly Harte Graham '45
Mr. Paul H. Lempke '45
Dr. Mathew A. Lipski '45
Mrs. Agnes Benedict Barr '47
The Reverend Gordon W. H. Buzza '47
Mr. Charles M. Graves '47
Mrs. Helen Cannon Moskosky '47
Mrs. Persis Metcalf Plaisted '47
Mr. David A. Barker '48
Mrs. Gloria Gregory Burney '48
Mrs. Helen Urbanowicz Derosier '48
Mr. John F. Maher '48
Mrs. Susan Faulkner Scribner '48
Mrs. Lois Arnold Smith '48
Mrs. Phyllis Powers Trowbridge '48
Mr. George S. Haselton '49
Mr. Robert D. Hilliard '49
Mr. Forrest C. Miner '49
Mr. Gerard J. Phaneuf '49
Mr. Aubrey K. Reid Jr. '49
Mr. George S. Retalis '49
Mr. Henry N. Shaheen '49
Dr. Kenneth W. Chamberlain '50
Mrs. Patricia Campbell Cirone '50
Mr. Kenneth R. Holden '50, '51G
Mr. Henry A. Laramie '50
Mr. Henry N. McCutcheon '50
Mr. Stephen F. Piper '50
Mr. Oliver C. Turcotte '50
Mr. Howard D. Wells '51
Mr. Edwin R. Baker '52
Mrs. Constance St. Jean Whittemore '52
Mr. Arthur J. Ouillette Jr. '54
Mr. Lester E. Richardson Jr. '54
Mr. Peter S. Thomas '55
Mr. Alan B. Weeks '55
Mrs. Dorothy Goodell Wilcox '55
Mr. Robert D. Griffin '56
Mr. Leo A. Lambert '56
Col. Auguste J. Planchon '56
Lt. Col. Roger D. Wilson, Ret. '56
Ms. Beth A. Byers '57G
Mr. George E. Cullen Jr. '57
Dr. John N. Sanborn '57, '66G
Mr. John F. Torrey '57
Mr. Willard B. Tucker Jr. '57
Mr. Milton G. Galucia Jr. '58
Dr. William Merrill Jr. '58
Mr. David A. Robichaud '58
Mr. Richard M. Levine '59
Mr. H. Lewis Lovelace '60
Ms. Jean Freyermuth Ouellette '60
Mr. George W. Emerson III '61
Mrs. Lesley Buckman McCartney '61
Mr. John E. Barron '62
Mr. Robert J. Maxwell '63
Mr. David M. Landry '65
Mr. John E. Philbrick '66
Ms. Barbara Paire Fletcher '67G
Mr. Alan R. Kenney '67
Mr. Peter M. Fisher '68
Mr. Richard M. Koes '69G
Mr. Perry L. Hayden '71G
Mr. Brian L. MacLean '71
Mrs. Kathryn Jones Meehan '72
Dr. Robert P. Alexander '73
Mr. Odonval Y. Cundiff '74
Mrs. Beryle Dubois Garneau '74
Mrs. Pamela Whitten Grogan '74G
Mr. Robert W. Cook '75G
Mr. Riley Heath '75, '83G
Mr. S. Rae MacKay III '75
Mrs. Mildred Cornforth Gourley '76
Mr. Anthony Marotti Jr. '76
Mr. Bradford Koji '77
Mrs. Theresa J. Moulton '77
Mr. Michael C. D'Amato '78
Ms. Jennifer M. Friars '78
Ms. Annie France Lavoie '79
Mrs. Diane Fortin Elwell '80
Mrs. Jennifer Davis Stevens '80
Mr. C. J. Crimmins '83G
Mr. John K. Grady '83, '98G
Mrs. Kimberley Kelly Jaye '87
Mrs. Angela Lavopa Huston '88G
Mr. Christopher L. Kingma '92G
Ms. Holli Hart '94
Ms. Kimberley J. Ryan '94
Ms. Jennifer C. Bailey '01G

William Rowe Spaulding '38

William Spaulding '38, an investment analyst, died on Jan. 28. He was 87.

Spaulding earned a bachelor's degree at UNH and an M.B.A. from Harvard. He served in World War II with the 2nd Armored Division and received the Bronze Star after seeing action in North Africa, Sicily, Normandy and Germany. After the war, he worked for the Massachusetts Savings Bank Central Fund, Vance, Sanders & Co., and Century Shares Trust, where he became chairman. In 1971, he was named chairman and CEO at Wakefield Savings Bank, retiring in 1981.

He was very active in his community, serving as director and financial president for the Citizen's Scholarship Foundation of Wakefield for 42 years and many other organizations. Spaulding also volunteered for the International Executive Services Corps.

He is survived by two sons, Edward A. Spaulding '71 and William M. Spaulding, and three grandchildren.

Harry F. Lucas '43

Harry F. Lucas '43 of Newport, N.H., died on Feb. 21. He was 81.

Lucas earned a bachelor's degree in architecture at UNH and, while an undergraduate, designed the Alumni Association's most prestigious award, the Charles H. Pettee Medal. He was recognized at the 2002 Pettee Medal ceremony for his contribution.

Following service in Japan and the Philippines with the U.S. Army during World War II, Lucas briefly pursued a career in professional baseball and then returned to New Hampshire to settle in the Newport-Lake Sunapee area. From 1946 to shortly before his death, he owned and operated The Lucas Food Equipment Company. He is survived by his wife, Norma Murchie Lucas '46, and two sons, Jay and Sky.

Hugh Clarke Tuttle '43

Hugh Clarke Tuttle '43, died at his home in Dover, N.H., on Dec. 14. He was 81.

Tuttle attended Harvard University for three years, but the "lure of the land" brought him back to farming. He represented the 10th generation to manage the family farm in Dover, which was established in the 1630s. At UNH, Tuttle studied agriculture. He served as a state legislator, mayor and acting city manager of Dover, and served for 42 years as supervisor of the Strafford (N.H.) County Soil Conservation District. Tuttle was the 1984 recipient of the Pettee Medal.

He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Joan DeCamp Tuttle, three children, Lucy Alger Tuttle, William Penn Tuttle III and Rebecca Tuttle Schultze; sister Barbara Kent; and brother Mark Tuttle.

Dr. Solon Barraclough '44
Warren S. Park Jr. died on Sept. 7. He was 77 and a former resident of Baltimore, Md.

Dr. Solon Lovett Barraclough '44 died on Dec. 19. He was 80 and lived in Geneva, Switzerland.

Barraclough earned a B.S. in economics at UNH and a master's degree and doctorate at Harvard. During World War II, he served in occupied Japan. Following the war, he became a professor of agricultural economics at Cornell. In 1958, he was appointed the agricultural attache in Beirut, Lebanon. The following year, he began working for the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization in Chile, and established and directed the Institute for Research and Training in Agrarian Reform. In 1977, he became director of the U.N. Research Institute for Social Development in Geneva, where he directed studies of sustainable development. He was the author of numerous books, including An End to Hunger? and The Rich Have Already Eaten.

He is survived by his wife, Isabel Barraclough of Geneva; three sons, Solon Jr., Edgar and Kenneth Barraclough; two daughters, Ana Villa and Esther Barraclough; seven grandchildren and many other family members.

Susan T. Janosz '83G

Susan Tsamparlis Janosz '83G died on Feb. 14. She was 46.

Janosz received a bachelor's degree from Dartmouth in 1978 and a master's of science in mathematics teaching from UNH in 1983. She taught at Manchester (N.H.) High School West for 25 years, first as a math teacher and then as an instructional technology trainer. In 1988, she received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching. She was involved in many projects and grants in partnership with UNH, UNH-Manchester and Southern New Hampshire University.

She is survived by her husband, Thomas G. Janosz; her mother, Mel Tsamparlis; brother Dean Tsamparlis and many family members.

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