Letters to the Editor

Lost Art and Ethics

Malcom Chase '32, UNH speed skater

In the late 1960s, when I was a student, the Winter Carnival skiing events were mostly history, but the snow sculpture was very much alive. In fact, for me, the snow sculpture was the Winter Carnival. In good years, the streets around the campus were jammed with traffic as people came from miles around to marvel at these frosty masterpieces.

In the 1970s, the number and quality of snow sculptures dropped off drastically due to a combination of circumstances, one of which was a series of winters in which the snow and weather conditions were not right. As most of you know, making good snow sculptures requires not only lots of snow, but also a narrow temperature range, and New England's fickle weather often doesn't cooperate. I fear that making snow sculptures, as it was done in the 1960s and before, may have become a lost art. Like others, I'm sorry to see the Winter Carnival, as we knew it then, become history.

It was pleasing to learn from Barbara Walsh's article on journalism ("Making Sense of the Media Circus," Winter '99) that the University holds to high standards, and that in some ways newspaper standards are higher than they were in the past.

I wondered if the profession has any standards when I watched reporters while they were going after President Clinton. While he sat with Palestinian leader Yassar Arafat, reporters asked, "Did you have sex with Monica Lewinsky?" The timing was so utterly inappropriate!

If the newspapers had decent standards, in my opinion both reporters should have been fired. More likely, they were promoted. I wondered if journalism could call itself a profession, since it seems to lack any code of ethical and appropriate behavior

Just a quick note to tell you that I give you thumbs up for your classy new alumni magazine. It's great.

I have to give you a thumbs down for the paltry space and unreadable, small print alotted to the departed alumni.

I am a mother at home with three children and have experienced many of the feelings mentioned in "Caring for our Children" (Winter '99) by Susan Warner Smith. I enrolled my children in a parent-participation nursery school, and it was some of the best hands-on education I have had. If parents had to "work" at their children's daycare for a few hours a month, the daycare would become a community, and the caregivers would be more appreciated.