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_________________________ Department Archives
Class Notes Photo

Spring 2012: Landing Party (A 1947 Aeronca Champ is displayed on the Great Lawn, 1963)

Winter 2012: "Who Else But Nelse?" (Nelson Rockefeller campaigns, 1964)

Fall 2011: Ahead of the game (Football game rally, 1946)

Spring 2011: Leave the driving to us (Three skaters, 1958)

Winter 2011: Old School Ties (Three skaters, 1958)

Fall 2010: Catch of the Day (Football, 1981)

Spring 2010: A Bird in the Hand (Chicken, 1981)

Winter 2010: Outskirts (Skiing, 1920)

Fall 2009: Hold Your Horses (Granite, 1945)

Spring 2009: Here Comes the Sun (MUB lawn, 1971)

Winter 2009: All Fired Up (Winter Carnival, 1961)

Fall 2008: Who Are Those Masked Men? (Homecoming Parade, 1979)

Spring 2008: Car Surfing (Sports Car Club, 1963)

Winter 2008: Seventies Send-Up (Decade of the 70s Reunion)

Fall 2007: A River Runs Through It (Oyster River, 1897)

Spring 2007: Here Comes The Sun (Sunny Lawn, 1970s)

Winter 2007: Wildcat In The Making (Mystery Hockey Player)

Fall 2006: Average Weight, Offensive Lineman: 1,928 LB (Benson's Wild Animal Farm, 1949)

Spring 2006: We'll Have The Lobster Next (Senior Class Picnic, 1985)

Winter 2006: And The Clutch Is Where? (Cornish, Maine)

Fall 2005: Advance Guard (Class of '55 Reunion)

Spring 2005: Here Comes The Sun (Multitasking, 1972)

Winter 2005: Fantasy Football (TNH Cartoon, 1941)

Fall 2004: "Let it be on your head!" (Mask and Dagger, 1967)

Spring 2004: Head Over Heels (Commencement, 1955)

Winter 2004: Cranberry Bush (President Visits Troops)

Fall 2003: Reunion Weekend 2003

Spring 2003: Homecoming 1965

Winter 2003: Homecoming!

Fall 2002: Off to Reunion!

Spring 2002: Taking The Plunge

Winter 2002: Off To The Races!

Fall 2001: Familiar Pathways

Spring 2001: Happy Birthday, Ben!

Winter 2001: The Record Still Stands

Fall 2000: Back In The Saddle Again

Spring 2000: Pep Cats On Parade

Winter 2000: A Halloween Homecoming

Fall 1999: Check Mates

Spring 1999: Barefoot Dancers

Winter 1999: Reconnecting At Reunion 1998

Fall 1998: Returning The Honor

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